How to use the glossary

  1. General remarks
    • The glossary comprises the complete lexical repertoire of secular troubadour poetry in Galician-Portuguese (cantiga number + verse number), classified according to the updated Jean-Marie d’Heur referencing system. (Click on the link to access Table of Cantigas)
    • Cantiga texts have been revised in accordance with the critical editing guidelines agreed and approved in 2006 by a committee of experts for the edition of troubadour poetry in Galician-Portuguese. (Click on the link to access Editing Criteria)
  2. Structure
    • Words are grouped by letter and listed in alphabetical order.
    • Click on any letter to open up a new page containing the following sections:
      • At the top of the page, an alphabetical browse bar to search for items in other letter categories without having to return to the main page.
      • On the left, a list of words corresponding to the letter category selected, with a search filter to limit the results.
      • In the top-right corner, a search box to search the whole glossary by cantiga or verse number, word (using an asterisk (*) in any position as a multipurpose character), or phrase/sequence (using inverted commas). Search words containing characters in square brackets should be wrapped in quotes. Searches may be refined using the special characters and diacritical marks from the drop-down menu on the right.
      • Results for each search are displayed in the centre of the page, and include a full list of all occurrences and variant forms. The results are divided into a series of categories, which are listed across the top of the results. Each category heading contains a dropdown menu of items which redirect to their entry in the list of results below. The cantiga number preceding each example redirects to the full critical text and reference data of the corresponding cantiga.
      • A triangle is used to indicate the variant forms of each item, a square for the different gender forms of pronouns and articles, and a circle for grouped forms and/or contexts.
  1. Presentation of results
    • The lexical content of refrain verses is taken from the first occurrence of the item within the cantiga and cited in italics.
    • Subscript is used to distinguish between different words with the same spelling, or words with a different grammatical function or from a different word class.
    • The use of an asterisk (*) in front of a word indicates an editorial doubt in relation to the form.
    • Feminine and masculine nouns are recorded separately; adjectives are cited in a single entry in their feminine and masculine forms.
    • Complex place names and people’s names (e.g. San Salvador de Valongo, Joan Garcia de Guilhade) are catalogued according to the first element in the name (e.g. San, Joan), and all remaining elements systematically redirected to the lead item.
    • Contextualised results may be viewed as a vertical list by clicking on the display icon on the right of the screen, in order to identify and locate individual words and/or definitions more easily. A print option is also included.
    • The glossary uses the standard system of abbreviations. (Click here for Abbreviations)