Universo Cantigas is an online critical edition of the complete surviving corpus of secular troubadour poetry in Galician-Portuguese. Universo Cantigas is a continuation and expansion of the earlier Glosario da poesía medieval profana galego-portuguesa project (2010-2015), and is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the Edición crítica dixital das cantigas de amor (ref. FFI2015-63523-P) and Edición crítica dixital das cantigas de amigo (ref. PGC2018-093928-B-I00) projects, respectively.
The first phase of work (2016-2018) led to the publication of an online critical edition of the first section of the ‘general songbook’, consisting mainly of cantigas de amor (texts 1-640). The second phase (2019-2022) covered the amigo section of the songbooks, corresponding to texts 641-1315. The third and final phase currently underway (2023-2025) will culminate in the creation of a critical edition of the cantigas de escarnio e maldizer (texts 1316-1683).
The ultimate aim of Universo Cantigas is to provide the public with an online critical edition of the complete corpus of medieval troubadour poetry in Galician-Portuguese, together with the tools and information necessary to search and study it.

Ferreiro, Manuel (dir.) (2018-): Universo Cantigas. Edición crítica da poesía medieval galego-portuguesa. Universidade da Coruña <http://universocantigas.gal> ISSN 2605-1273 [last revised: dd/mm/yyyy].