I. Home page
The home page of the website contains the following elements:
- The upper right-hand corner contains a language menu, allowing users to switch between Galician, Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish, French and Catalan (as available).
- The search box located underneath the language menu allows users to search the glossary and cantigas. Cantigas may be retrieved either by their d’Heur or Tavani reference number or by their manuscript number (manuscript numbers should include the letter of the cancioneiro followed (with no space) by the number of the cantiga, e.g. B76).
- The search box also allows users to search for specific terms. The results are displayed according to the occurrence of the search term within the glossary and the cantigas. Results for words containing the letter pairs <nn> / <nh> and <ll> / <lh> are presented together, regardless of which form is used in the search. Literal search terms should always be wrapped in quotes.
- The main menu is located underneath the search box and comprises the following options: Project, Manuscripts, Cantigas, Glossary, Links, Forum and Contact.
The subsections of each of these options are explained below.
II. Project
The drop-down menu for
Project contains nine options:
- Project: information about the background and aims of Universo Cantigas.
- Galician-Portuguese secular lyric poetry: description of the background and characteristics of troubadour poetry in Galician-Portuguese.
- Methodology: methodological principles followed to create a critical edition of the text.
- Transcription criteria: criteria used for the transcription of the manuscripts, particularly in relation to abbreviations, spelling, punctuation and word division.
- Editing criteria: editing criteria used for the new critical edition of the complete corpus of Galician-Portuguese secular lyric poetry.
- Bibliography: list of the manuscripts, databanks, editions and studies used.
- How to use the site: website user guide.
- Team: list of project team members and collaborators (philological and technical).
- Results: list of publications, conference papers and PhD theses related to the project.
III. Manuscripts
The drop-down menu for
Manuscripts contains a complete palaeographical transcription of the eight manuscript sources used in the project:
IV. Cantigas
The drop-down menu for
Cantigas contains a series of options related to the critical text of the
- Preface: welcome note by Pär Larson.
- Table of cantigas: full list of cantigas, catalogued according to the updated Jean-Marie d’Heur reference system. The table of cantigas does not include cantigas in languages other than Galician-Portuguese, the Marian lauds or the late additions found in the Italian apographs.
- Critical text: list of cantigas catalogued according to their d’Heur reference number, followed by their Tavani reference number, author, incipit and location. The list of cantigas is headed by a search box to allow users to search for cantigas by their d’Heur or Tavani reference number.
cantiga entry redirects to a new page containing the following information:
- The top left-hand side of the page contains the d’Heur and Tavani reference numbers (the latter in square brackets).
- The top right-hand side of the page displays the date of the last revision of the text and the following links:
- Print: option to print the content of the entry.
- Palaeographical transcription: opens a new window containing the palaeographical transcription of the different manuscript sources for the cantiga. In order to facilitate comparisons between the different manuscript sources, the transcriptions are aligned side by side and the text is divided into strophes, even when this requires the introduction of line breaks not found in the manuscript. The transcription also eliminates references to folio and column, and all textual elements not part of the poem text; marginal corrections are included. The full, unadapted palaeographical transcription is available in the Manuscripts section.
- Arrows: the arrows may be used to navigate backwards and forwards through the cantigas, based on the d’Heur referencing system.
- The line underneath the d’Heur and Tavani numbers contains the incipit of the cantiga, followed by the name of the author (if known). These identifying elements are followed by the critical text itself, with verse numbers marked to the right of the text.
- Words in the text may be highlighted to open a search option that redirects to the corresponding entry in the glossary. To search for words containing an apostrophe, the highlighted area should include the apostrophe.
- The following additional information is provided underneath the critical text:
- Manuscripts: location of the cantiga in the different manuscripts and additional notes regarding the manuscript source.
- Editions: previous editions of the cantiga. Previous editions are divided into three groups: critical editions, other editions (palaeographical, historical, educational, etc.), and anthologies. The bibliographical information includes the name of the editor(s), year of publication and page number (or cantiga number, in the case of digital editions). The information also indicates the reference edition used by the Lírica profana galego-portuguesa project (‘[= LPGP]’).
- Manuscript variants: significant textual variants between the manuscripts.
- Paraphrase: explanation or interpretation of the text, including extra information if necessary.
- Metre: metric pattern (including Tavani reference) vowel sequences, and notes on the type of cantiga, strophe, etc.
- Notes: additional notes on philological and content aspects not covered by the critical apparatus. General remarks about the cantiga are marked with an asterisk, while the rest of the notes are numbered according to verse. References to other cantigas are hyperlinked to allow direct access from the notes section.
- Index of authors: alphabetical list of authors with search option. Each author name redirects to a new page containing a list of cantigas by that author, each of which in turn redirects to the full critical text of the poem, together with all of the information described above.
- Index of cantigas: index of cantigas listed alphabetically by incipit, including keyword search option.
- Updates: details of the main updates to the cantiga database.
V. Glossary
The drop-down menu for
Glosario contains the following options:
- Glossary: opens up the Glossary.
- Glossary user guide (click here to open).
- Abbreviations: list of abbreviations used in the glossary.
- Updates: details of important updates, corrections and revisions.
VI. Links
List of useful links related to the project.
VII. News
In this section you will find news related to the Universo Cantigas project. It also gives the possibility to subscribe and receive news via email.
VIII. Contact
Contact details of project coordinator.